Five County Detention and Youth Rehabilitation Center offers Gender Specific Programming. Although adolescence can be a tumultuous time for both girls and boys, it is important to recognize that it is different for each of them (Gurian & Ballew, 2003; Surrey & Shem. 1998).

A Certified 5-C Case Manager/Supervisor facilitates gender specific groups. The curriculum is entitled VOICES. It is a program of self-discovery and empowerment for girls. The program is best practice evidence based treatment. It was created to address the unique needs of adolescent girls and young women. Voices encourage girls to seek and celebrate their “true selves” by giving them a safe space, encouragement, structure, and support to embrace their important journey of self-discovery. The program advocates a strength based approach that helps girls to identify and apply their power and voices as individuals and as a group. The focus is on issues that are important in the lives of adolescent girls, from modules about self and connecting with others to exploring healthy living and the journey ahead. (Stephanie S. Covington, Ph.D VOICES 2004)

POWER SOURCE: Taking Charge of Your Life

Five County Detention has a trained Case Manager that facilitates POWER SOURCE groups. The immense challenges facing highly at-risk youth are apparent to virtually anyone who has worked with this population. Finding one's way in the world, developing a strong sense of self, and functioning productively in a community can be challenging for adolescents with every resource and support system available to them. But for youth who are not afforded"safety nets" from their families and communities, mastering these developmental tasks can be overwhelming. The material presented in POWER SOURCE is modeled on the book Houses of Healing: A Prisoner's Guide to Inner Power and  Freedom. It is a course that gives participants an increased ability to read and understand the emotions that motivate their choices, perceptions, and feelings, as well as teaching coping and stress management strategies. (Bethany Casarjian, Ph.D, Robin Casarjian, M.A.)